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Testimonials continued from page 2.....

"I was wondering how long before we can purchase the GeniSkin product? My daughter tried the sample and loved it! My daughter has been on just about every medication for acne, after using the sample it decreased the swelling and redness and she stated how good her Face felt. Could I please order her that now? Just wanted to let you know the response it got at our household. Can’t wait to hear more. Thank you." T. Shimmel




"I wanted to give you feedback on the GeniSkin Extreme sample you sent. My daughter "spot treated" a large blemish on her forehead with the new Sea-Mask and then applied the serum sample. The blemish was half the size the next day and within a few days it was entirely gone. She asked me when she could get the "teens" facial wash too!!! Thanks so much!!"

Marie G.




"So far the "GeniSkin Natural" products have done WONDERS for my 13 year old son Easton. We have seen an amazing improvement already!!! I will touch base with the other two families that are using the Extreme and get back to you. Thank you SO much for allowing us to be a part of the trial! Gretchen H.




"GeniSkin Extreme is working great! My daughter's skin is alot better and she mentioned it was doing good." We cant wait to order when this is permanently available!" Scott E.




"Hi, I am an ISA for your company. I am an licensed Esthetician in Denver. I love your products! Do you currently have a blogger for your company? I have been a blogger in the past for beauty products BUT I love Blackbox products sooooooo much, I would love to blog about this great product! Just thought I would throw this idea out there if you aren't offering this service yet. Thank you." Tammy C.




"Been using the products for just over a week and the difference in the clarity of my skin is remarkable. Acne and inflammation is GONE- & I've been struggling for years! Pores are smaller and there is no patchy, dry winter skin. I'm in love!!These products are AMAZING! My skin drinks them up as they fill in tell-tale creases around my eyes. They feel weightless and are lightly scented. Even my husband loves them."Shannon A.




"I've been using your products for 6 months now -- Most of my acne is gone. I'm 18 by the way. I love the PM and the under-eye serum has been helpful to mask/lessen my rather large dark circles. Anyhow, just thought I would tell you how impressed I am with your product. Thanks for your time."Jamie P.



"Every time you purchase something, you should think about how it affects the environment, how it affects other species, and how it affects other people." Brandy P.Co-chair of SEA




"I totally love the products!!"T. Shimmel




"The product is doing great and I am very happy with it! I look forward to helping other people learn about it." Virginia W.




"We LOVE this product and so do our customers. Thank you!"In Harmony Center for Wellness and Rejuvenation




"HI, I have been in sales in the professional salon industry for 20 years and have seen hundreds if not thousands of new products. Yesterday I received my BlackBox kit and I have to say it is the coolest, classiest, most awesome packaging I have ever seen. It looks way better 'in person' than on line...which is usually the other way around....."Mark G.




"...After years of searching for acceptable products, we have finally located a manufacturer which has a product line which truly is free of harmful ingredients! Fortunately, this company has uni-sex skin care products which work wonders for both men and women. You'll understand why, if you take the time to check out the properties of the impressive ingredients for each product.Thanks again."AaliaULCS Clinic




"The product came into my life two times, and I believe in synchronicity. When something knocks twice, I answer the door, and I have not looked back – these products are amazing.""I appreciate what BlackBox is doing to improve skincare which improves the self esteem and confidence for many people." Thanks, Vicki L.




"I just wanted to shoot you an e-mail to share information you might enjoy hearing. The last I e-mailed was about eight months ago, about the time when the company opened its doors to take on the world. After several months of using Blackbox, I can proudly share my experiences. In the years past, I have gone through a few different products from Mary Kay, Proactive, to some prescribed steroids to keep my acne down to a minimal. Most of them worked, but I could hardly find a product that did not leave my skin dry and scratchy (and in some cases with blurred vision, had to stop using that one) after using them. Blackbox has done an amazing job keeping my face soft and moisturized, leaving little traces of dead or dry skin, with the help from the face kit. The 6MM is by far the simplest product to remove dead skin, which is perfect for a guy such as myself. It has done what Mary Kay facials do in a tenth of the time and much easier to deal with. Guys are not completely in tune with walking around in the morning with white-green paste on their face, I can tell you that. Frost has the quickest response time for decreasing the level of acne around my jawline than anything I have ever used. Every time I use it, my acne is gone in the following morning. I would hope a lot of people who are using this and in their acne stages are finding this true as well. I cannot wait until Geniskin reaches my doorstep so I can give it a try! So far, it has been a joy working for your company. I like the attitude of healthy skin being more important than the making of a buck or two. I hope this momentum in the company continues to grow because I see a lot of wonderful potential. I have not encountered anything with as great of an outcome with such an affordable price as these product do (as I type this, I am holding my two thumbs up for how good they are). I just wanted you to know from another person that these products are working, even after several months of using them. Hope all is well on your end!" J. Stewart




"The products are continuing to get wonderful feedback from our customers." Lisa R




I had sensitive, splotchy, breakout-prone skin and tried everything! I finally came across the BlackBox skin care line and was hooked after my first use!! ... and after the first time I used it my skin was clear within 3 days! Anonymous




"I am loving working for this company. I believe in the products 110% and haven't used anything else on my skin since starting with BlackBox."April C.




"I got my kit and was so excited, i did the microderm last night and the only thing different from the microderm in a jar and a spa microderm was I was in control of the pressure, which i LOVE! I'm certified in microdermabrasion and i would honestly never use a microderm machine on anyone again with having the 6mm at my disposal. My skin is so soft now, I cant wait for my friends and family to try this. They are gonna be hooked!!!" Lisa




"I've been using the PM product for several weeks now and I absolutely love it! I can see and feel a big improvement in my skin and look forward to using the other products." C. Cratty, American Airlines





"I have been using the products now for several days. I really did not have a lot of skin problems, EXCEPT the way the jawline starts to sag just a little after 40yrs old. There has never been anything that works on that, but THIS DOES! I can't believe it. My skin just snapped back into place and it does look like at least 10yrs younger." R. LaBrieUpdate...."I have now been using the products about 2 wks and my skin is still getting better! I see why this is the only product that can say "age reversing" and not just the signs of aging but actual repair. My skin which didn't look like it was thinning anyway has gotten even thicker & stronger (in a good way). You know how you lose fat on your face when you age? Well I am getting that back in the right places which is a big part of how old a person looks, as you know. Unbelieveable!! I am such a believer in these products after experiencing them." Thanks, R. LaBrie





"Oh WOW... I am always so careful to listen to product claims, then make my own decisions. I have used my products 2 times already and I was hooked after first application. Have not used night or scrub but am amazed !! Mineral makeup worked wonderful, no glopps-streaks-anything. Last tests are night product and scrub and how liquid makeup works. Then I will be able to tell anyone, that I have used {BBC} and I am blown away. I have incredible skin and it already looks better. I am stunned in a very good way." Marie G.




"I know I have been quiet the last couple weeks...I had to give the product time to work! O...M...G!!! Has it worked! LOL! I love the way my skin feels and better yet...I love the way my daughters skin looks..what a glow she has. She's 15, and has some issues with texture from small breakouts...her skin looked amazing after one treatment of the 6MM and full regimen!" D. Griffin




"I want the new bottle for my son who has horrible acne. He has been using mine and we've seen a difference in his skin, so I wanted him to have his own bottle. Thank you again." N. Roberts




"After searching ten years for effective, yet gentle skincare, I finally found it!" Marie




"HOLY FLIPPIN MACKERAL !! I just got my Cosmetics yesterday afternoon, so I tried them last night for the 1st time. Geez, Louise !! I emailed you before that I was a Make Up Artist years ago; so when I saw the ingredients, I KNEW these were going to stand out ! I LOVE these cosmetics ! I just got ready for work and my face is soooo soft ~ I believe especially from the " 6 Minute Miracle " Love the Frost and the fragrance is so refreshing and beautiful in everything. I can see why men will like them too. Not girly or fruity, just beautiful !! I especially love that they do not leave any type of residue on your skin, not greasy or "thick." Thank you, Black Box; I believe you just gained a customer for life. Can't wait to start marketing them! Woohoo!" C. Steele




"Thanks for these products and the opportunity to be part of this from nearly the beginning. I have three generations using Blackbox -- my 74-year-old mom; my 50-something year-old sis (who is also now an ISA), me (both 45+); and my 23-year-old niece (also an ISA), and 16 & 12 -year-old daughters. Everyone of us is seeing improvements in our skin -- everything from the lines in my mom's face softening, to my sister's and my oncoming wrinkles being held at bay; and my niece's & daughters' young, beautiful skin being enhanced. My sister, who is in the public eye everyday, has said that since using Blackbox (about two months now, I think) she has had more people ask if she's doing anything different because she looks more rested and her face seems brighter. These kinds of results make the word-of-mouth approach an easy, credible way to market the products. Take care, and again thanks to you & Eric for all your support." G. O'Donahue




"Good morning, I have a friend (Maarten) here in Germany that is currently personally trying the products. He told me last night that the products are working on clearing up/controlling his Psoriasis, which is apparently chronic. He has tried other products as prescribed by doctors and nothing to date has worked except BlackBox Cosmetics!! He is signing on as an ISA or maybe has already today. I don't know yet. Additionally, I swim everyday in the inside pool here at the hotel in Germany. Sometimes as much as three times a day depending on how hot it is outside!! The pool is overloaded with chlorine. Anyway, I decided to give to give the Defiance PM a personal test under those adverse conditions. I put the standard (2 pumps) amount on my face and headed straight downstairs. I was in the water for over 2 hours (off and on). I rinsed off all of my poor body, with the exception of my face. I left that with the PM and chlorine on just to see what would happen. I went to bed and the next morning found out that my skin was just as soft and healthy looking as the minute I put the serum on my face in the first place. The Defiance PM serum definitely fights off the adverse effects of chlorine (and whatever else they throw into that soup down there) and doesn't wash off in any way, shape or form!!. Just for information and regards ......... By the way, I'm really proud of our stuff!!" Craig G.




"Let me first say, I am amazed with your product. I was introduced to it by my friend Nick and I absolutely love it. I attended a seminar today hosted by Keith Ferrazzi who is also an amazing individual so I looked him up. I found this on his web site and immediately thought of you." Entrepreneurs, Announce YourselfI encourage all you entrepreneurs who fit the profile to apply for Inc.'s 500/5000 list."Cheers, Lorilyn E. | at&t Enterprise IT | Business Manager




"Hey BlackBox Cosmetics ~ Thank you so much for the face wash sample and under eye serum! I LOVE them both. The face wash totally woke up my face - I love the scent of it and I think the consistency is perfect. I love this stuff and I like seeing the benefits on my own skin - that speaks for itself. I am beyond anxious for BBC to be up and running. I feel that the sky is the limit for your products, thank you for the opportunities!" Gretchen H.




"My mom has been using it a lot because she likes how moist her skin feels all day. She has been telling me that it really keeps her skin moist, even after a shower where it's most likely to have that tight, dry skin feeling. I think we've got another Mary Kay user whose switched to the good side." Jordan S.




"I truly love the stuff. If I didn’t, no way would I try to sell it to anyone." Kim B.




"Love the Frost and my eye makeup in gone first time around.I just actually stood at the mirror this am to put on the LSW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am blown away!!! If you can suck up my sagging skin then young people are going to be so amazed as to what it does."F.L.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


"Hey BlackBox! Love BB cosmetics! I’m anxious to receive the little secret weapon…just ordered it. At age 54, I really need an eye lift ;-).All the best," Kerry K.




"This does work and is WORTH it! I am very happy." Regards, Thomas B.




"I’M LOVING THE FACE PRODUCTS! I HAVEN’T REALLY NEEDED TO WEAR FOUNDATION OR POWDER BECAUSE MY COMPLEXION IS SO GOOD." B. Cotter--------------------------------------------------------------------------------


"Sooooo....I tried the Blackbox products...and I LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Insane, truly amazing stuff! The under eye serum does work. I am 33 years old and just starting to get the little fine lines etc. and I am impressed by the "Magic"! My mother-in-law and good friend Christie have been trying to con me into handing it over to them...not a chance! They will have to wait." G. Henke




"Hi.... just got my BlackBox Cosmetics... may I say ... WOW !!! I have tried the body lotion and LOVE it so far !! Love the scent!! I think it is perfect! Kinda makes my skin shimmer in a healthy way ... the scent is perfect... clean but yet nicely scented!! Totally honest, right??? Only after one day... I am totally sold. I love the 6 Minute Miracle... used it on my hands at the same time..... works better than any I have tried. Both the am and pm ... are perfect. It is all PERFECT, seriously. I can't wait to see the difference in a month.... as one day seems to have made a big improvement. Love the airtight jar... first that I have seen... very cool. Sooooo.... here is my only complaint... I am going to need more on a regular basis!!" S. Mudge




"Just started using the products about 2 weeks ago.....and I LOVE them!" Brigette G.H.




"Although I am new to BlackBox Cosmetics products, all I can say is good things about the product line!! Since I was a little girl, I was taught to take care of my skin and these products are the BEST I have used by far! 6 Minute Miracle and Infusion AM leave my skin feeling so soft and clean. I love Radiance AX and keep a bottle at work and one by my bed. After 25+ years of looking for the perfect fit for skin care, I've finally found it!!I also want to add... I love the added bonus of "being green" and being able to just re-order the insert "refills". This is such an important element in all aspects of our lives today."M. BossParkland Health & Hospital System



Continued... Read More....



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Sarasota, Florida
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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

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Organic skin-care, hair-care, and cosmetics

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